VFX Before and After- The Great Gatsby

I haven’t seen The Great Gatsby (read it high school, understood what Fitzgerald was going for, didn’t particularly care) but this video might be enough to get me to pick up the Blu-Ray, for nothing more than to study their use of set extensions and matte paintings.

Video shared from Chris Godfrey (IMDb Page) on Vimeo.com.

VFX Before and After- The Great Gatsby

Serial- The ‘Shroom Job, Part 2

As soon as Violet returned to the compartment she heard several heavy thumps hit the roof of the train. Eli pulled his hands from his bloody nose long enough to look around, confused.

“What the hell was that?”

As if in answer, a large, heavily muscled pirate swung into the train through the window. His bulk propelled him forward and he barreled into Violet, lifting her off her feet and through the door behind her.

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Serial- The ‘Shroom Job, Part 2

Serial-The ‘Shroom Job, Part 1

“I can’t believe you tried to kill me,” Violet said.

Eli pretended not to hear her. He had been doing this a lot since the encounter with the Toad had left him deaf in one ear. Given the confined space of the train car, and the fact that she spoke loud and clearly, she wasn’t buying it. That and she saw his left eye glance at her before flicking back toward the train window and the lush jungle speeding by.

Violet sat back, frustrated. The socket where her right used to be itched something fierce. She clenched her hands and crossed them in front of her.

Don’t go poking at it, she told herself, repeating it several times in case she forgot. You’ll only make it worse.

Continue reading “Serial-The ‘Shroom Job, Part 1”

Serial-The ‘Shroom Job, Part 1

Help a Fellow Writer Out

Anybody who has tried to seriously make it as a professional writer knows that it isn’t easy. We need help, just like anybody else! So when it comes to my attention that someone is making a real bid at success in their field, I try to do what I can to help them out, meager as that contribution may be.

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Help a Fellow Writer Out

Bullets: A Dialogue

The following is the result of a writing exercise I had to undertake in a class I took about five years ago. I don’t really remember the specifics, but basically I had to take something I’d written and re-write it purely as dialogue, with minimal description of action. Any meaning or conflict had to come purely from what the characters were saying to each other.

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Bullets: A Dialogue

Work in Progress: SR-Unit 3D Model

It was my hope to have a video to post this week, but YouTube being YouTube, it uploads to around 92% and then stops, so I need to figure that out. And besides, I should probably make a few tweaks to it before showing it anyway.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share a project I’m working on that’s in the very rough stages of development. It’s meant to be my final for my “Organic Modeling and Hard Surface Texturing” class, due next week. Normally, I wouldn’t post something this early, but what the hell. Maybe some 3DS Max guru will see it, see how jacked up my poly-flow is, and give me some pointers.

Continue reading “Work in Progress: SR-Unit 3D Model”

Work in Progress: SR-Unit 3D Model

Vicarious Viewing- Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere

“Wh-what, now?” Copyright HBO

The Rains of Castamere. Where do I even begin with this one? Chances are by the time this goes up, you’ve seen something, somewhere, talking about the audience  reaction to the events of last night’s episode. You’ve seen people familiar only with the show freak out, and you’ve probably seen people who read the books years ago telling them not to freak out and stop watching the show, because you’re in for a treat soon (that treat probably getting pushed to sometime next year).

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Vicarious Viewing- Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere