Blackwood Gazette #286- Chaos in Crowndon! City Watch Deploys Automatons to Disperse Boisterous Citizens!

By Chester Seaton, News

12/15/282- A mob descended upon the steps of the Crowndon Capital building yesterday. Spurred on by egregious reports coming from rogue actors outside of the Empire, they demanded that the Imperial Ruling Body answer for alleged actions taken at the Klankenvroot factory last month, as well as the recent sentencing of the traitor Maurice Merchant.

The streets of Crowndon have seen much unrest in the last week, but this was the first time the demonstrations had reached the Capital. While such demonstrations are not necessarily legal, they are often overlooked unless they present a clear and present danger to government officials or the citizens involved. Clearly, the unruly horde that descended upon the building, hurling insults and rocks alike, constituted such a threat.

In response, our valiant city watch deployed its newest asset, the Gladstone Aerial Reconnaissance Device (or G.A.R.D., rebranded from A.R.A., trade marked by Gladstone Enterprises) upon the crowd. The magnificent devices, operating completely autonomously, took position over the crowd and out of their reach, and deployed a payload of noxious powder derived from basilisk lotus pollen and diluted Barrier Tuna oil. The mixture proved too much for the rabble to handle, and they were quickly dispersed. The city watch reports that no one was seriously injured, and arrests were few, though the smell of the tuna oil will likely result in weeks of scrubbing the Capital’s front steps with tomato juice and the lawn must be completely replaced.

“We knew the pungency of the barrier tuna would prove problematic,” Argathal Gladstone said, when asked about the performance of his machine. “I’m still working on the right balance for the concoction. Other than that, however, the G.A.R.D. worked wonderfully!”

Once the situation was resolved, the Watch quickly posted new guidelines for public demonstrations, namely that they are strictly forbidden for a time to be determined by the Imperial Ruling Body. Anyone caught engaging in disruptive political discourse will be promptly arrested and tried for sedition.

Blackwood Gazette #286- Chaos in Crowndon! City Watch Deploys Automatons to Disperse Boisterous Citizens!

Blackwood Gazette #284- Adella Chatelaine Gives Heartfelt Speech in Crowndon at Klankenvroot Memorial, Barely Escapes Arrest

By Jeanne Dupris, Nor Eastern EIC

11/12/282-For several days now, citizens of Crowndon had gathered at the site of the old Klankenvroot factory, holding a vigil for those who lost their lives. A company of Crowndon city watch stood by, watching them like a hawk.

Despite the high profile situation, former Gazette writer and person of interest in the Gazette sedition trial Adella Chatelaine made an appearance yesterday afternoon, where she gave an impassioned speech memorializing the workers and decrying the way the situation was resolved.

Earlier this year, Chatelaine visited the area of the factory known as the gutter, where she interviewed a pair of orphans, Vertiline and Pigott Torp. It is unknown whether the orphaned twins survived the Klankenvroot purge, and a large portion of Chatelaine’s speech lamented the state of their lives when she met them and the possibility of their death.

Chatelaine’s time on stage was brief; as soon as the watch identified her, they moved in to arrest her. Her speech had caused unrest within the crowd, however, and the throng lashed out. It is believed that Chatelaine was able to slip away, though we’ve received no word as to her fate at the time of publication.

The altercation between the watch and the people gathered was short lived, as the crowd dispersed with the discharge of a single firearm. Luckily, no one was seriously injured. Even still, our sources inside Crowndon tell us that a feeling of unease persists in the capital city of Crowndon. The city watch retains a presence on the factory ground, removing any objects of memorial and running off anyone who approaches to replace them.

Blackwood Gazette #284- Adella Chatelaine Gives Heartfelt Speech in Crowndon at Klankenvroot Memorial, Barely Escapes Arrest

Blackwood Gazette #281- Citizens across Empire Demand Explanation from Crowndon Government in Light of Controversial Pictographs

By Jeanne Dupris, Nor Eastern EIC

8/12/282- Tensions in Crowndon have reached a fever pitch, as the citizenry have begun taking to the streets in the wake of leaked pictographs depicting what really transpired on the Klankenvroot factory grounds last month.

Despite Crowndon officials’ best efforts, or perhaps because of them, to suppress the circulation of the graphs, the images have spread like wildfire through the lower boroughs of some of Crowndon’s largest cities, including Walsh, Toring, and even the capital itself.

Groups gathered outside of town halls and civic centers, demanding the heads of officials who ordered the flooding of the Klankenvroot dry dock. Even a few of the empire’s more prominent citizens took to these rallies, using their influence to gain audience with Imperial leadership.

What fruit these meetings will bear remains to be seen, but that members of the Oligarchy are willing to meet and discuss the events of the Klankenvroot Purge is a step in the right direction. We can only hope that the actions taken against the former workers living on the factory grounds were ordered by a small portion of corrupt elements, within the Crowndonian oligarchy, elements that can be weeded out in short order.

I wish that the Gazette Nor Easter could take some credit for helping these graphs circulate, but our intervention proved unnecessary, and the outrage expressed by the citizenry of Crowndon is a testament to their integrity and humanity. If Crowndon can fix itself, there might be hope for the Triumvirate as a whole.

Blackwood Gazette #281- Citizens across Empire Demand Explanation from Crowndon Government in Light of Controversial Pictographs

Blackwood Gazette# 279- Anonymous Source Leaks Pictorgraphs of Dead Following Klankenvroot Purge

By Jeanne Dupris, Nor Eastern EIC

4/12/282- Crowndon is in an uproar today, following the release of pictographs depicting the aftermath of the Klankenvroot Purge, as it’s come to be known in the rest of the Triumvirate.

I say the rest of the Triumvirate, because sources claim that nearly 85% of the Crowndon citizenry is under the belief that the Klankenvroot factory squatters were evicted peacefully, a story they were told either through sanitation of the story via the Ministry of Information Distribution, or outright lies. Any paper brave enough to tell the true story did so in the form of short blurbs buried on the inner pages.

Since the release of the photos in the ‘Ex-Humanor’, an underground publication popular throughout the Triumvirate, the Ministry is said to be working overtime to suppress the issue’s distribution. Release of the information has outpaced the propagandist’s arm, however, and people are starting to ask questions.

The biggest hurdle these pictographs face, however, is the question of their authenticity. The venue of their publication certainly doesn’t help matters, but many of the graphs are poorly shot and hard to discern.

As for the source of the graphs, Crowndon authorities are said to be rounding up and interrogating anyone known to be associated with Oculus, the mysterious figure who runs the infamous tabloid. So far, their efforts have turned up nothing but go-betweens or ‘friends of friends who know a guy’.

Meanwhile, we here at the Gazette Nor Easter have employed the services of pictographers and police forensics experts to help validate or debunk the pictographs. Should they prove to be authentic, we will promise to do anything in our power to inform the people of the Crowndon Empire, who seem to be living in the shadow of an increasingly draconian government.

Blackwood Gazette# 279- Anonymous Source Leaks Pictorgraphs of Dead Following Klankenvroot Purge

Blackwood Gazette #274-Crowndon Floods Klankenvroot Dry Dock, Killing Nearly 200

By Jeanne Dupris, Nor Eastern EIC

15/11/282-Reports coming out of Crowndon seem to mark this as one of the darkest days in the Triumvirate’s history, as the Klankenvroot factory situation has been resolved in the most tragic way possible.

The City Watch, under the command of Crowndon Imperial military commanders, have reportedly flooded the dry docks where a large majority of the former factory workers lived. Nearly two hundred people, composed of workers and their families, are said to have lived in those dry docks. We are told that nearly all of them are dead.

There is no word on why the Crown abruptly decided to take such a drastic and tragic course of action, as the workers living in the factory had heretofore not displayed any sort of aggression to the battalion of City Watch and imperial soldiers camped outside the factory grounds.

The Crowndon military recently performed a test of a new aerial automaton equipped with a pictograph, and some have suggested that the images captured by the devices spurred this decision. However, the military has made no statements thus far about what the automatons saw inside the factory.

We have nothing but speculation at the moment as to why this event has occurred. There is this fact, though; Crowndon just murdered 200 of its own citizens, many of them children or infirm. Empress Marcelette Bastian has already condemned the decision, and the words ‘Imperial Duumvirate’ have reportedly been uttered more than once in her court. The Monteddorian High King Mario Adallantes issued a most diplomatic and ultimately toothless statement. The Crowndon Oligarchs have yet to say anything at all, though we believe the Imperial High Command will issue a no doubt polished report on the success of their ‘operation’ in the coming days.

The Triumvirate Authority, likewise, has said nothing, though we are told they are not pleased. Hopefully, they will push for a formal inquisition into the matter. In the meantime, the hopes and prayers of Nor Easter go out to those whose lives have been lost, and those few who survived. It is their tale that I would most like to tell as we proceed to make sense of what has occurred.


A bit of perspective from someone who lived in the shadow of the Klankenvroot factory:

Adella Chatelaine Reports #001-In the Shadow of Klankenvroot: A Tale from the Gutters of Crowndon
Blackwood Gazette #274-Crowndon Floods Klankenvroot Dry Dock, Killing Nearly 200